Sunday, 30 September 2012
New Look and Sparkle Fashion Blog Comp X

new look,
sparkle fashion blog,
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Lana Del Rey Ad for H and M X
So I got my H&M catalogue today (that always makes one very happy girl) and was so happy to see Lana De Rey Featuring in the latest Campaign - she's nearly as amazing as the brand itself! There's some really gorgeous pieces that I've spotted while skimming through already. As I'm now out of pocket booking yet ANOTHER trip to London, it seem's I need to start being paid, to have all these lovely weekends in The Big City - any offers? I diddn't think so...
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Maybelline nails - Yes Please!
So I was scouring the web, when I crossed a Maybelline post about it's latest venture for the Mark Fast SS13 Catwalk Show! I'm obsessed with nail paints, and these really rocked the Runway. Think Turquoise Lagoon nails with Minx Silver Wraps on top and you've got the idea. Minx nails are so amazing and quick to use too! I posted a 'how to' not long ago, using union jack patterns, visit here to see for yourself and it's great if you want unique patterns for that special occasion!
Lots of Love,
Blondie X
Lots of Love,
Blondie X
mark fast,
nail varnish,
Style Stanza - Coming to you!
Not long till the weekend YAY!
I've got an exciting new venture to share with you today...
As of the 1st October, I'm going to be the 'Fashion and Event Expert' for the up and coming Style Stanza Website. Your thinking: 'Woah, I don't know that name'... Well you don't... not yet. As of the 1st of October, Style Stanza, is going to be the centre of fashion attention, as writers and bloggers like myself are given the challenge to post fashion like it's never been seen before to the big wide world!
Excited yet?
As I've been so excited about getting involved, I can't wait to see the results on it's BIG OPENING! If you still haven't got the idea. Here's ten words to sum the venture up: Daily Posts From the Bloggers All about Style and Fashion! Got it? Good.
As I've been so excited about getting involved, I can't wait to see the results on it's BIG OPENING! If you still haven't got the idea. Here's ten words to sum the venture up: Daily Posts From the Bloggers All about Style and Fashion! Got it? Good.
Well, If you haven't I suggest your check out the Website on the 1st of October! I'm sure you'll all want to get involved!
Thanks Again -
Blondie X
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Field's of Daisy's X
It may be Autumn now, but that never stops me!
I've selected one of my favourite dresses today - simply for all the beautiful memories it keeps! I've got some gorgeous snaps from a friends birthday party wearing it. If you've never been to Queenies Cupcakery in Ironbridge, then you have never tasted heaven! Check the website out here and if your ever planning a trip to somewhere beautiful - Queenies is your destination! We had our very own vintage tea party, which has to be the cutest thing ever!!!!!!
I'm already a Vintage freak as it is, so if the 50's music and finger sandwiches wasn't enough, we had an selection of the most gorgeous Cupcakes I'd ever tasted! Obviously I went for the 'Snickerlicious' (Snicker and Chocolate) Cupcake - how I didn't get the entire cake down me, I will never know!
Saturday, 22 September 2012
The Latest 'Primarni' Purchase.
So I went on a splurge last week, and currently very proud of my latest Primark purchase (best buy ever!).
Since last Saturday, I was so proud of how much money I came home with after my day trip, that I've managed to spend nearly every penny... Whoops!
Still, It's the first day of autumn today - so I see these beauty's as a good personal investment!
Since last Saturday, I was so proud of how much money I came home with after my day trip, that I've managed to spend nearly every penny... Whoops!
Still, It's the first day of autumn today - so I see these beauty's as a good personal investment!
The perfect outfit for under £50 - No problem!
As you already know, I'm obsessed with a bargain or two! So when Boohoo.com set me the challenge to put together an outfit for under £50, I was more than happy to spend my Saturday morning clawing at my computer screen, for the wonderful creations in the current Boohoo range. Problem was, choosing one outfit wasn't going to be easy! If you fancy checking out the compeition for yourself and testing out your 'bargain hunter skills' then head over to: www.fashionvouchers.com. So, I'll stop my rambling...here's my competition entry. Enjoy! X
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Skater Leather Look Skirt: £14, Shirt £18, Velvet Slipper Shoes £18. |
fashion vouchers,
skater skirt,
Thursday, 20 September 2012
When the 'Career' talk comes up at school. . .
It's Thursday - Not long to the weekend YAY!
Ever heard the phrase: 'When I grow up I wan't to be an astronaut'. Or 'I wan't to be just like Barbie when I'm a big girl'. Well unluckily for me, I've had my Career's information evening today, and no, I cannot be a fairy princess like Cinderella, when I finish my studies!
Ever heard the phrase: 'When I grow up I wan't to be an astronaut'. Or 'I wan't to be just like Barbie when I'm a big girl'. Well unluckily for me, I've had my Career's information evening today, and no, I cannot be a fairy princess like Cinderella, when I finish my studies!
So It's finally come down to that all important discussion 'What am I going to do with my life, when I leave my School for the big wide world'. And between summing up my options, I'm still at square one. I'm now on a mission to do work experience for the next 12 months and finally work out what it is I want to do!
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Some Mid Week London Fashion Week Highlights X
From my kitchen table, eating a spoonful of peas, watching Deal or No Deal, I thought I'd share my week's favourites from the London Fashion Week Highlights! So here you go, sit back (drop that extra homework, or over load from work) and enjoy!
Here's the J.W Anderson Women Spring/Summer collection. I actually love this! The ruffles look great, and it gives me hope through the cold winter months, that a gorgeous collection in spring is coming my way - YAY!
Monday, 17 September 2012
Girl Meets London X
Goooooood Afternoon :)
What a weekend it's been!
I haven't had a moment to get blogging all weekend - so sorry about that! But I've been touring the wonderful city of London! No, I didn't get those front row seats at London Fashion Week - But maybe next year, eyy? Although, I did have a brilliant time gliding down Regent Street gazing into the elegant shop windows, then catching the tube to Oxford street and buying the high-street 'Primarni' or Primark eddition for myself!
I also saw (as you know I'm obsessed with musicals) Ghost the musical! It was just amazing - if you haven't seen it yet, the show is due to close from West End, so make sure you see it! I was so impressed with the staging, and the special effects had me gasping (and crying I must say!). So yeah, definitely a 'top of Blondie's list' in terms of must see musicals!
What a weekend it's been!
I haven't had a moment to get blogging all weekend - so sorry about that! But I've been touring the wonderful city of London! No, I didn't get those front row seats at London Fashion Week - But maybe next year, eyy? Although, I did have a brilliant time gliding down Regent Street gazing into the elegant shop windows, then catching the tube to Oxford street and buying the high-street 'Primarni' or Primark eddition for myself!
I also saw (as you know I'm obsessed with musicals) Ghost the musical! It was just amazing - if you haven't seen it yet, the show is due to close from West End, so make sure you see it! I was so impressed with the staging, and the special effects had me gasping (and crying I must say!). So yeah, definitely a 'top of Blondie's list' in terms of must see musicals!
Friday, 14 September 2012
For the girls who wish they could have been at New York Fashion Week X
#hey girlie's! It's the weekend - Yay!
I'm hoping I'm not the only person wishing she could have gone to New York Fashion Week - only dreaming of how amazing it would be! So if you've been like me and stalking press photos or the latest news; the catwalk has showcased some truly stunning pieces! And with London Fashion Week here (oh yes!) I thought I'd give you a few of the New York Highlights!
Oh, and while were at it, GUESS WHO'S GOING TO LONDON TOMORROW? ME!!!!! God i love that city! Though not for a front seat on the fashion catwalk - though it's killed me not being able to get tickets! :'*(
Still, while I'm on a hyper note about visiting my favourite city, I've stolen some Press shots from New York Fashion week, for all you fashionista's to ponder over (and hopefully help you burst with inspiration!). If I don't get chance to update over the weekend, I'll ensure I take lots of lovely 'tourist' shots of the big city!
Love Blondie X
I'm hoping I'm not the only person wishing she could have gone to New York Fashion Week - only dreaming of how amazing it would be! So if you've been like me and stalking press photos or the latest news; the catwalk has showcased some truly stunning pieces! And with London Fashion Week here (oh yes!) I thought I'd give you a few of the New York Highlights!
Oh, and while were at it, GUESS WHO'S GOING TO LONDON TOMORROW? ME!!!!! God i love that city! Though not for a front seat on the fashion catwalk - though it's killed me not being able to get tickets! :'*(
Still, while I'm on a hyper note about visiting my favourite city, I've stolen some Press shots from New York Fashion week, for all you fashionista's to ponder over (and hopefully help you burst with inspiration!). If I don't get chance to update over the weekend, I'll ensure I take lots of lovely 'tourist' shots of the big city!
Love Blondie X
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Marks and Spencer Vintage Dress Competition X
Happy Saturday! I'm happy to say I've been topping up on my shopping baskets today!
I was contacted in the early week by M&S, telling me about a Vintage dress competition that they were holding. And ITS BEEN SO HARD JUST TRYING TO CHOOSE A DRESS! If you want more details check out: The Marks and Spencer Blog Page, but I'll let you know my mission in a moment's time! First, I'd like to thanks M&S for this lovely competition, and point out my vintage dress choice, was actually from M&S, (may I add, from a very old collection) which has many personal stories - which obviously I'll end up telling! ahaha! Oh also, please check out the Marks and Spencer's Latest Dress range out now: http://www.marksandspencer.com/Dresses-Womens/b/43091030
I was contacted in the early week by M&S, telling me about a Vintage dress competition that they were holding. And ITS BEEN SO HARD JUST TRYING TO CHOOSE A DRESS! If you want more details check out: The Marks and Spencer Blog Page, but I'll let you know my mission in a moment's time! First, I'd like to thanks M&S for this lovely competition, and point out my vintage dress choice, was actually from M&S, (may I add, from a very old collection) which has many personal stories - which obviously I'll end up telling! ahaha! Oh also, please check out the Marks and Spencer's Latest Dress range out now: http://www.marksandspencer.com/Dresses-Womens/b/43091030
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Girls, as I've missed nearly 3 days blogging (shocking I know), I'm doing a double today! Between rushing about, catching up on the latest and greatest fashion news has really been crazy! Why can't A-level English be based around reading Vogue and analysing the article's writing - eyyy? Oh, but I suppose that would make English FUN - am I right?
So I've resulted into posting about my very favourite Miracle hair treatment, I want all you fashionista's to know about - after all those gorgeous outfits need lush hair to match up with it! So you wan't that look they show in all those 'Hair shampoo' adverts... Well trust me 98% of the time, using that shampoo won't give you that dazzling finish. Many hair products, just don't do the justice to the words written, on the label of that brightly coloured shampoo bottle. I've tried nearly every brand of shampoo, trying to get that ultimate gloss and long lasting protection for my hair and after many years of 'trial and error,' there's only one shampoo that ticks all the bottles for me... AND THATS AUSSIE!
So I've resulted into posting about my very favourite Miracle hair treatment, I want all you fashionista's to know about - after all those gorgeous outfits need lush hair to match up with it! So you wan't that look they show in all those 'Hair shampoo' adverts... Well trust me 98% of the time, using that shampoo won't give you that dazzling finish. Many hair products, just don't do the justice to the words written, on the label of that brightly coloured shampoo bottle. I've tried nearly every brand of shampoo, trying to get that ultimate gloss and long lasting protection for my hair and after many years of 'trial and error,' there's only one shampoo that ticks all the bottles for me... AND THATS AUSSIE!
A levels,
back to school,
AW12 Accessories! X
Hey Everyone!
Sorry, Post's are going to be slow during the weekdays - I shall pre-warn you of that now! I had my third day of 6th form today - and the 'heals every day' mission failed.
Thanks for all your help with the 'outfit' crisis, by the way! There's nothing like a good sensible pair of flat pumps! So the work load has already started and I'm currently juggling: writing my blog, writing my 'harvest festival artical' for my local Church magazine and frantically jotting down notes on cell structures for biology... But then that's the fun of A levels!
So in-between the frantic mess of my 'back to school' schedules, I've managed to pull out a few 'KEY PIECES' for your Autumn 2012 wardrobe. Her's just a sneak peak of what the great British high street has to offer you!
Sorry, Post's are going to be slow during the weekdays - I shall pre-warn you of that now! I had my third day of 6th form today - and the 'heals every day' mission failed.
Thanks for all your help with the 'outfit' crisis, by the way! There's nothing like a good sensible pair of flat pumps! So the work load has already started and I'm currently juggling: writing my blog, writing my 'harvest festival artical' for my local Church magazine and frantically jotting down notes on cell structures for biology... But then that's the fun of A levels!
So in-between the frantic mess of my 'back to school' schedules, I've managed to pull out a few 'KEY PIECES' for your Autumn 2012 wardrobe. Her's just a sneak peak of what the great British high street has to offer you!
A levels,
back to school,
miss Selfridge,
new look,
river island,
top shop,
Monday, 3 September 2012
Hey guys, this is a quickie.
I'm back to School/Collage tomorrow, and as usual I'm stressing. I need some girl to girl tips on what to wear. I've lined up some outfits, so If you've got a few minutes, drop a comment for which ones your favourite! I love them all, but unfortunately going into 6th form, has meant a brand new take on 'formal uniform' - you can guarantee the first day is going to be a head to head fashion contest (the joys!).
So here it is my outfit line up. All comments are welcome! (trust me....)
For anyone else going back to Work/School, this small selection might give you some inspiration too! I'm not used to all this formal clothing, and neither is my very empty piggy bank, so bear with me! Enjoy X
I'm back to School/Collage tomorrow, and as usual I'm stressing. I need some girl to girl tips on what to wear. I've lined up some outfits, so If you've got a few minutes, drop a comment for which ones your favourite! I love them all, but unfortunately going into 6th form, has meant a brand new take on 'formal uniform' - you can guarantee the first day is going to be a head to head fashion contest (the joys!).
So here it is my outfit line up. All comments are welcome! (trust me....)
For anyone else going back to Work/School, this small selection might give you some inspiration too! I'm not used to all this formal clothing, and neither is my very empty piggy bank, so bear with me! Enjoy X
Sunday, 2 September 2012
House of Fraser - Competition Entry X
Blondie's at it again...I couldn't resist this competition when House of Fraser contacted me about it!
Their branding is so unique and give a feel of luxury! I love a good window shop in their nearest store and have already brought many beautiful items for my Autumn wardrobe, this year! So when I was contacted about this up coming competition, I was struck with choice of choosing the perfect outfit - that in itself was a challenge, as I had a list of around 15...
Saturday, 1 September 2012
Liebster Award
Hey Everyone [:
So I've been nominated by Victoria from http://victoria-coeurdor.blogspot.co.uk for the Liebster Award. I'd like to thank her no so much for this - It was so kind of her, so I thought I'd do her the honour of passing the word on, and selecting my own nominations! But first, 'what is this Liebster award your on about?' Well in German Liebster means 'dearest,' and this award is dedicated for people who have less that 200 followers, helping up and coming bloggers gain recognition! (Brilliant idea, if you ask me!)
Back from Wales...A week without internet connection!
Afternoon everyone!
I've literally just got back from the exotic land of Wales! First thing I wanted to do, was get back to my blogging addiction and my colourful laptop screen. I've had no internet for a week, but I've had a fantastic time with my best friend, Sarah and her family, in a stunning country cottage.
You wouldn't believe how much fun you can have with a couple of board games, and their dog named Charlie, (who may I add, seems to think he's human - and looking at him you'd believe it!). It wasn't the tropical holiday I already knew I wasn't getting this year, but it was much more! Your only 16 once, so there's not many times you can say you went to Wales and had a great time - without the influence of alcohol or nagging parents taking you!
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