Sunday, 13 January 2013

My Week...Birthday/Revision/and a big Thank you! #1

Okay, It's another quick post, as I'm being howled at by my mother about GETTING ON WITH REVISION! Anyone else got exams at the moment - it's killing me!
First I just wan't to say a big Thankyou!
Since starting off my little blog back in summer, I've enjoyed every second, of blogging, and thanks to you lovely readers I hate spending a second not ranting on about all my interests!
So last week, I hit 10,000 hits which for many of you is like 'yeah and what?' but I was so chuffed!
So thank you!!!

With celebrating my birthday last weekend, I haven't had chance to show you all my lovely present's off my friends and family.....
 This was a highlight of my birthday. I have always wanted a teddy bear from the 'build-a-bear workshop' since I've been about 6. So, when I opened my new teddy from my lovely friends, I was over the moon! Then I pressed the wrist, (and knowing I'm not the greatest fan of One Direction) my friends had kindly added 'that's what makes you beautiful' as the tune.... which keeps accidenty playing when I'm asleep!
 This was a present I kindly brought for myself from Ebay and got my momma to wrap it (best way to do it, if you ask me!). I just love how cute this satchel is - it even has little ears! I'm sure you'll be seeing more of this, in future posts!
Here's my reading list the last few weeks. As you know, I'm officially obsessed with Downton Abbey, so have enjoyed reading the latest series book! Did you know, that on set, it's so cold outside - the actors do all their rehearsals in coats with hot water bottles, so they don't freeze! I've finally got my 'Teen Vogue Hand Book', which I'm super excited about reading...when I get round to it.
 I always love adding new things to decorate my bedroom. This lovely 'LOVE' sign, looks great among my many books on my bookshelf, and I can't wait to add my own photo!
 I love doing my nails, and my lovely friend Lauren brought me this amazing nail set - that has everything you'll ever need to make your nails look gorgeous! I can't wait to do some demo's for you all, though I'll be waiting till after my exams, as my nails are currently bit down with nerves! Whoops!
My Auntie brought me this lovely bag to match my new Vintage Satchel I had for christmas: you can see it here. It's just the right size to put in your phone and purse in, and compliments any outfit!

Well that's all, Enjoy you Sunday - The Suns out, though I'm hoping it FINALLY snows in the next few days?!!?!?!
I'm off to learn about the origins of the Second World War. My own brain will be having a World War after all this revision... Still, let's hope it's worth it!

Lots of Love,


  1. Ahojda. Moc se mi líbí tvůj blog! Ráda bych Tě pozvala na můj web, který je zaměřen především na poruchy příjmu potravy, ale pozor- ne thinspo, ba právě naopak.Najde tam recepty, které nikde jinde nenajdeš..převážně clean eating, tipy, články postřehy...a v brzké době se rozjede projekt na pomoc lidem s PPP, jen čekáme s kamarádkou, kdy ho schválí Na blog určitě mrkni, každopádně si tam najdeš to "svoje". A pokud by se ti u mě opravdu moc líbilo, můžeš se přidat mezi mé Followers aneb pravidelné čtenáře (v levém sloupci mého blogu). Přeju krásný zbytek dne. Andie xoxoxox

  2. Love the satchel! Super cute! :D And those love design for room :D btw, you've messaged me on ifb, I'm following now, :)


  3. You got some lovely bits , happy belated birthday xx


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